Property & Housing Associations

Our tools give you the power to:

  • Manage unlimited users online and control their print ordering
  • Have static pricing structures to help you control budgets
  • Organise distribution of stock items to any and multiple sites
  • Control brand standards and print quality
  • Save money on print procurement
  • Save time on turnaround of all printed materials
  • Finally have a print partner to work with to manage your print on a daily basis.
Do you need to send out any direct mail or transactional mail? CBF print tens of thousands of contracts, arrears letters, statements and marketing materials every month. We have a strong IT team that can make sure all your sensitive data is secure and archived the way you need it to be. Storage of other materials We can store most materials you need to keep your business running. If there are items we cannot produce then we can help store and distribute those as well. We can work with all your supply chains to make sure you have one point of contact to manage your print materials. We have a proven track record in this sector and work for some of the biggest in the country so if you need any help give us a call…. 01242 237652]]>