Centralised Print Buying
One stop shops, all encompassing, all your requirements under one roof. You have heard it all before,
If you’re looking for reputable print suppliers you need to be aware that 90% of all printers cannot produce all the materials you need printing. At CBF we are proud to say that 89% of all our materials we produce on a daily basis we print and finish in-house.
This not only gives us more control over your turnaround times but keeps us in control of your brand standards so your printed materials are all consistent in colour.
By centralising your print with CBF gives you more buying power so we are able to give you better pricing structures as we look at the bigger picture we want to set static pricing structures for you to control budgets and everyone in your organisation knows the costs of brand standard materials.
- Online Print management and stock item ordering tools
- Eliminate artwork costs with online personalisation
- Order reporting
- Set approval processes
- Static 12 month costs for all printing and fulfilment
- Save money with centralised print buying – Economies of scale always help…
Using our online web 2 print tools to manage your print ordering can greatly reduce the cost of artwork management, procurement costs and chasing all those jobs that are time critical. All our tools can be used for reporting on any information including cost centres allocation, individual usage, sites budget restrictions.
Have you thought about automating your print buying for your franchisees or sites nationwide? Do not worry about delivery destinations your good can be shipped out and delivered anywhere next day at agreed rates. With our strong IT team we can take all data from your databases and make sure all mail, print and items can be pulled out of stock, printed and shipped to where ever they need to be seamlessly and with full reporting your business will increase in efficiency and be more profitable.
Print management to us is not just the daily processing of orders within your organisation but it’s the management of your print requirements; every business has different printing requirements and in order to meet a collaborative goal be it money saving or print resource management we need to work together.
So if you are looking to centralise your print and fulfilment with our tools where do you start? Very simply get in touch, we would love to hear from you. Either pick up the phone and call us today or fill in one of our enquiry forms.]]>